The Mystery Department produces immersive entertainment experiences.


I am not one to rely upon the expert procedure. It is the psychology I seek, not the fingerprint or the cigarette ash.

~Hercule Poirot, Murder on the Orient Express

I’ve always been a lover of mysteries. I cut my teeth on Nancy Drew and then moved on to the grand dame herself — Agatha Christie. I love a good cozy mystery and my current guilty pleasure is Death in Paradise. Formulaic? Sure! Wonderful? You better believe it!

I craft bespoke stories, written for each specific place and space. These stories aren’t about violence and gore, but rather, drawing on the great detective Hercule Poirot’s insight - the mysteries are really about the psychology of our suspects.

These stories come alive with the brilliant performances of seasoned improvisational actors playing memorable characters as suspects. Audiences get to interact directly with these suspects, questioning them and following their own hunches and instincts. This unique aspect of our stories and events creates a real sense of ‘being in a mystery.’

If you like mysteries, I don’t think you will be disappointed by one of our productions. Or, if you just want a fun evening out with friends, I really do suggest The Mystery Department!

Kim LeClair
Director of The Mystery Department